2010年12月23日 星期四



會中討論到的幾樣Tips PO上來一起參考
  1. 不廢力的鬆土技巧:在鬆土時我們常用標準型或大圓鍬,感覺做起來比較有效率些,但因一次吃吐量大,施力也跟著加大,反而容易累及受傷,上禮拜我在挖菜圃時也是因土硬,瞬間用力膝蓋受傷,使用小面積圓鍬則可避免這些問題。動作順序如下:先將表層草皮用鋤頭除起來曬乾,再以圓鍬挖土,不需敲碎,曝曬後表層稍乾,敲碎表層再覆蓋曬乾之草以保濕,這樣就完成鬆土了。
  2. 斜坡水分保持:可依等高線高度來闢建種植區域或由高點往低處挖鬆一道來種植,灌溉時從高點往下流的水分可充分應用。
  3. 環保酵素觀念更正:另外大家有提及使用環保酵素增加土壤中微生物,有關網路上流傳的酵素可產生臭氧問題,當時未充分討論,根據我所知那是不可能的。臭氧(O3)是一種氧化能力極高的氣體,它在高空中可擋掉某些波段的紫外線是很好的物質,但在地表上,低濃度可殺菌,高濃度對人就不是那麼好了,以下為他的物質安全資料表中危害資訊

3. Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview
Highly reactive, ozone concentrations above 15% can explode on contact with organic substances, especially strong reducing agents.

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent and oxidation with ozone evolves more heat and usually starts at a lower temperature than oxidation with oxygen. It reacts with non-saturated organic compounds to produce ozonides, which are unstable and may decompose with explosive violence. Ozone is an unstable gas which, at normal temperatures, decomposes to diatomic oxygen. At elevated temperatures and in the presence of certain catalysts such as hydrogen, iron, copper and chromium, this decomposition may be explosive.

Potential Health Effects
Inhalation: Causes dryness of the mouth, coughing, and irritates the nose, throat, and chest. May cause difficulty in breathing, headache, and fatigue. The characteristic sharp, irritating odor is readily detectable at low concentrations (0.01 to 0.05 ppm).

Skin: Absorption through intact skin is not expected.

Eye Contact: Ozone is an irritant to the eyes causing pain, lacrimation, and general inflammation.

Ingestion: Not a route of exposure.

Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
Ozone may increase sensitivity to bronchoconstrictors including allergens.


